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 Schwann's Gimmick.

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Posts : 11
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Join date : 2010-03-21

Schwann's Gimmick. Empty
PostSubject: Schwann's Gimmick.   Schwann's Gimmick. Icon_minitimeTue Mar 30, 2010 9:30 pm

Name: Schwann

Wrestlers Hometown: Santiago, Chile.

Favourite sayings: Watch Out America, Here comes the Innovator of Wrestling.

Gimmick: Foreign Wrestler.

Face or Heel: Heel

Wrestling Style: Luchador / HighFlyer.

Schwann began wrestling at the age of 16 in his Hometown, he soon became a professional and one of the most talented wrestler from that country. tired of his Country's lack interest of wrestling and seeking his dream, Schwann travels around the world to gain Wrestling Experience.

After achieving several championships around the globe, Schwann comes to North-America to get to the top of the world. He is on ARW to prove what a Chilean wrestler can do.

Schwann's Gimmick. Schwannawr
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