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 H2 gimmick

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2 posters

do u think i will be a good fighter?
yes u will
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no u wont
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 50% [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 6



Posts : 14
Points : 5435
Join date : 2010-03-30

H2 gimmick Empty
PostSubject: H2 gimmick   H2 gimmick Icon_minitimeTue Mar 30, 2010 7:24 pm


Nick Name:H2

Wrestlers Hometown: New York City

Favorite sayings: Can You Handle the pain?

Gimmick:grew up on the mean streets of New York. were it always give or take.If you dont take you get taken New York turned me into the man i am today

Face or Heel:Between

finishers:simply dead, Kolgie clutch, a simple pin

signatures:Stomp,Modified Double Axe Handle,Modified Body Slam

Theme Song: Skillet-Monster:

Last edited by Hunterh on Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:55 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Posts : 3
Points : 5421
Join date : 2010-03-27

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PostSubject: Re: H2 gimmick   H2 gimmick Icon_minitimeWed Mar 31, 2010 4:50 pm

hey I just wanna give you a slight bit of advice ( and I hope this isn't taken the wrong way ) with your gimmick try and build on it. A one line gimmick gives your character one dimension. For example you could say something like the following.

Gimmick: I grew up on the mean and unforgiving streets of Brooklyn. Where I'm from nothing is ever just given to you, you have to fight for everything. Though I'm not complaining as these harsh streets have made me into the man I am today.

Very brief I know but this way you dig slightly deeper into your character, I hope this isn't seen as rude, just more constructive criticism Very Happy good luck
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