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 Sample Gimmick

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Fists of Wind
Fists of Wind

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Join date : 2010-03-21

Sample Gimmick Empty
PostSubject: Sample Gimmick   Sample Gimmick Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 7:16 pm

sample gimmick : Face

Name : Mikey Midcard

Age : 18

Height: 6'3

Weight: 225 pounds

Face or Heel?: Face

Gimmick: Former High School Wrestler / Clean Cut

All through out Mikey's life he knew he'd be a wrestler, he grew watching the greats and knew that he'd one day step into the ring for himself.

By the time Mikey reached high school he decided it was time to start and chase his dream, Mikey joined the school's wrestling team the first chance he got. At first he wasn't very good he used to get his ass handed to him. And he felt that he just wasn't cut out to be a wrestler. However the coach came and sat with Mikey and told him that if he was will to put in the extra hours of practice and bulked up a little he could do much better.

After 6 months of intense training Mikey felt he was finally ready to compete again. During the finals of the US national finals an ARW talent scout was present, he saw the potential in Mikey and offered him a development deal and the chance of a life time to compete in the grandest stage of them all.

Thank you Mizzy for the sample.
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