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 Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma

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baki hanma

baki hanma

Posts : 7
Points : 5367
Join date : 2010-04-12

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PostSubject: Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma   Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma Icon_minitimeWed Apr 14, 2010 4:46 am

Height -6'0

Weight - 201 lbs

Face/Heel : Face

Achievements : Former Intercontinental Champ.

Baki Hanma, a proud fighter from Japan who came here to America to fulfill his

ultimate goal of his life.To become the Strongest fighter in the world. And he knows that

here in America,he will find some of the best fighters that the world has ever known..

His first achievement was when he won his first title from his former fed..Now he is more

hyped up to surpass this and to win more "legit" titles that this fed offers..Even though

his main goal is to become the best fighter,He still loves the crowd and fights his

opponents in order to entertain his fans.He believes that His fans are one of the

reason for his achievements right now.So in return, He promised that he will always

give an entertaining match for the crowd.
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Gabriel Sylar

Gabriel Sylar

Posts : 55
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Join date : 2010-04-05
Location : Bosnia and Herzegovina

Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma   Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma Icon_minitimeWed Apr 14, 2010 6:54 am

Welecome,my friend Smile
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Puglilist Paladin

Puglilist Paladin

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Join date : 2010-04-05

Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma   Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma Icon_minitimeWed Apr 14, 2010 9:49 pm

I'm too low level to ever get to fued with you, but man would I love the chance. I was a big fan of Baki the Grappler back in the day, and lmaoed when I saw your name Very Happy
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baki hanma

baki hanma

Posts : 7
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Join date : 2010-04-12

Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma   Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma Icon_minitimeMon Apr 19, 2010 4:42 am

Puglilist Paladin wrote:
I'm too low level to ever get to fued with you, but man would

I love the chance. I was a big fan of Baki the Grappler back in the day, and lmaoed when I saw your name Very Happy

Lol hehe yeah I like BTG also..too bad the part 2 is to graphic and gory to be released in anime version ^_^..what is your lvl by the way?

Hey snake thx for welcoming here in the fed..I hope that we can do some Rp's in the future^_^
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Gabriel Sylar

Gabriel Sylar

Posts : 55
Points : 5428
Join date : 2010-04-05
Location : Bosnia and Herzegovina

Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma   Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma Icon_minitimeMon Apr 19, 2010 6:57 am

baki hanma wrote:
Puglilist Paladin wrote:
I'm too low level to ever get to fued with you, but man would

I love the chance. I was a big fan of Baki the Grappler back in the day, and lmaoed when I saw your name Very Happy

Lol hehe yeah I like BTG also..too bad the part 2 is to graphic and gory to be released in anime version ^_^..what is your lvl by the way?

Hey snake thx for welcoming here in the fed..I hope that we can do some Rp's in the future^_^

Yeah,but please don't call me snake Smile I don't know why did i put that name...I hate snakes xD
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baki hanma

baki hanma

Posts : 7
Points : 5367
Join date : 2010-04-12

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PostSubject: Re: Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma   Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma Icon_minitimeMon Apr 19, 2010 11:06 pm

LOL haha sure ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma   Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma Icon_minitime

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Fighter from the East - Baki Hanma
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