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 Introducing Samm

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Sam AlLi

Posts : 3
Points : 5418
Join date : 2010-04-05

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PostSubject: Introducing Samm   Introducing Samm Icon_minitimeMon Apr 12, 2010 9:42 pm


Name : Sam AlLi

Age : 18

Height: 185

Weight: 92 Kgsz

Face or Heel?: Heel

Gimmick: A Badass Does Not Give A Shit

Being raised in a family full of wrestling legends, he decided it was not his thing. HE wanted to study and become a scientist,later on deciding he liked wrestling he started taking classes know he was developing good, he quit school and went to wrestling school (Sydney Wrestling Alliance) where he trained day and night on his in ring skills.

He then took up a offer to work in a local federation with his brother, teaminig up. He had help every title in the federation, by the age of 17 he decided to take a trip to some legendary wrestling schools in the US, knowing he could make and pass any test he decided to take the test and was determined to join a wrestling school. He then started attending a pro wrestling school and joining another local federation in the US. As he became very well known and had a large fan base he saw the opportunity of joining one of the greatest federations around ARW and knowning he was the next big hing he to the offer and settled in as it is his new home

Class : Speed
Nation : Australian
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Gabriel Sylar

Gabriel Sylar

Posts : 55
Points : 5479
Join date : 2010-04-05
Location : Bosnia and Herzegovina

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PostSubject: Re: Introducing Samm   Introducing Samm Icon_minitimeWed Apr 14, 2010 9:50 am

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