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 +Ed Hicks+

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Ed Hicks

Ed Hicks

Posts : 13
Points : 5416
Join date : 2010-04-11
Age : 29
Location : Argentina

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PostSubject: +Ed Hicks+   +Ed Hicks+ Icon_minitimeMon Apr 12, 2010 3:59 pm

Name: Ed Hicks

Wrestler's Hometown: Seattle

Favourites Sayings: None

Height: 6ft 1in

Weight: 180lbs

Gimmick: Rockstar (Not like HBK more like Marella)

Age: 20

Face or Heel: Depends

Signature Weapon: Les Paul Guitar

Raised by a mid-class family in a small town, this young wrestler was hungry for fame. He learned how to play to play guitar and formed a band with some guys from his town. But it didn`t last long. Ed`s violent nature and troublesome attitude got him kicked out the band.
He started wrestling as a pass-time activity and a way to focus his anger. But then he thought of it as something more. After reading the stories of The Rock and Hulk Hogan and how they became stars, he took it much more serious.
His dream may not be to wrestle but if by wrestling he can become a star,then nothing will stop him on his way to the top.
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Gabriel Sylar

Gabriel Sylar

Posts : 55
Points : 5479
Join date : 2010-04-05
Location : Bosnia and Herzegovina

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PostSubject: Re: +Ed Hicks+   +Ed Hicks+ Icon_minitimeWed Apr 14, 2010 9:50 am

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+Ed Hicks+
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