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 The Super American Hawk's Gimmic

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The Super American Hawk™

Posts : 4
Points : 5416
Join date : 2010-04-05
Age : 28
Location : American Samoa

The Super American Hawk's Gimmic Empty
PostSubject: The Super American Hawk's Gimmic   The Super American Hawk's Gimmic Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 8:29 pm

Name: The Super American Hawk

Face or Heel: Face

Height: 6’11”

Weight: 328 pounds

Hometown: American Samoa

Nicknames: American

Catchphrases: "The Samoa Flier"

"What’s you going to do when the Creature of the sky Fly all over you"

Taunts: Break Dance, Hawk Fly, USA

Trademarks Moves: modified Super Kick, Modified Front Face Pancake, Modified Knee Stomp

Finisher Descriptions: Hawk fly: The Super American Hawk� Climbs to the top turnbuckle
Jump backward kicking Him Her in the head executing a devastating Hawk Fly

The American Spear: The Super American Hawk� gets the crowd to chant USA
then Dives at the opponents mid area executing a devastating The American Spear

The American Powerbomb: The Super American Hawk� gets the crowd to chant USA
then lifts the opponent on his shoulders and slams him on the mat executing a devastating The American Powerbomb

Entrance Video: the crowd sees a guns shots out of the titan iron
the Samoa’s come on the screen, then a hawk, the my name in blood red dripping, then my finishers and showing me beat the undertaker at wrestlemaina
The Super American Hawk� makes his way to the ring
In Harley 360 on road off road bike
driving a Harley 360 on road off road bike
super icon comes out with me to give some tips

Picture: Here's the Idea: have my name on top
the picture will be: (will have this picture in front) (this in the back)
"Creature of the sky" on the bottom or the fed name on the bottom

Back story: The Super American Hawk™️ had a match facing Super Icon. Super Icon hit me with his Iconic Bomb and broke my neck. Then before I got back my contract expired and I came back Attacking Super Icon but then I was stopped by the General Manager. He toke me back to his office and told me I was out. So I come here looking for a fight.
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The Super American Hawk's Gimmic
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