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 The Hardest Head in Wrestling

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Masato Tanaka

Posts : 2
Points : 5411
Join date : 2010-04-05

The Hardest Head in Wrestling Empty
PostSubject: The Hardest Head in Wrestling   The Hardest Head in Wrestling Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 11:29 am

Name: Masato Tanaka

Age: 37

Height: 6 ft 0 in

Weight: 220 lb

Face or Heel?: Heel

Gimmick: A hardcore wrestler with the hardest head in wrestling. Meaning he can take a chair shot from Balls Mahoney and stay up. He is also the Global Hardcore Champion(which is not a recognized title by ARW)

From the day Masato was born he was around wrestling. His first memory is his dad winning the Japanese National Title. His mother was a wrestler as well. In fact when Masato was born they both held their divisons Japanese National Championships. His father held the heavyweight and his mother the womens. Around his 15th birthday he started training with his mother and father, who today are in the Japanese wrestling hall of fame, and when it came time to choose his style of wrestling he choose Hardcore. Even tho this was not a popular decision by his parents at first they grew to love Hardcore wrestling and even went in to it a couple times themselves. All of his training paid off New Years Eve of 2009 when he defeated long time rival Pedro Mccail in Mexico for the Global Hardcore Championship which he still holds today. Now hes joins the ARW roster in hopes of showing America that he is the best Hardcore wrestler of all time.
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