Wrestler: The Pugilist Paladin
Name: Tim. Just Tim.
Wrestlers Hometown: All of Time and Space by way of Gulfport, Mississippi
Favourite Sayings: Whatever he feels like saying, really.
Gimmick: A man who's cast away his life on a mad quest for self-fulfillment. Dresses as a luchador, preaches his pseudo-religion wherever he goes and sees himself as a punisher of anything and everything he deems "corrupt" or "defiled by sloth and villainy".
Face or Heel: Whatever is needed for the story.
Tim was a very normal man. He'd had quite a normal life, was raised on a mastiff (and fig) farm in rural Mississippi were he watched anime and ate much Chinese takeout. He went through high school like any other, and though he was athletically and aesthetically superior to his peers, thought nothing of his fate to die working wasted in a cubicle somewhere, fat and bald and miserably happy.
Then, one day ashore about eastern Europe, whilst gallivanting around the world with the US Navy, this silly stooge of fate found himself in the window of an old gypsy woman, who told Tim many truths about the universe and his actual place therein. She enlightened him as to his real identity as a great hero of Time and Space, the one man who can save the human race from the evils of such sins as watching anime, eating Chinese, and dieing bald and fat and happy. She made him see that he was truly the Bogatyr of the 21st Century, and so he went about his quest ..
To wrestle professionally
.. and he's got a thing for alliteration. It's neat.
Personal: I also happen to be a bit of a wannabe grammar nazi and have edited for friends and family for years. Please feel free to send any rp to me, and I'll be happy to go through it and weed out all those grammatical errors that make most fed shows straight up unreadable. And hell, if you need any build help or have questions about life, the universe and everything, I guess, lol, feel free to pm me.
Theme: Dragonfly by Shaman's Harvest