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 Fists of Wind

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Fists of Wind
Fists of Wind

Posts : 50
Points : 5526
Join date : 2010-03-21

Fists of Wind Empty
PostSubject: Fists of Wind   Fists of Wind Icon_minitimeThu Apr 01, 2010 11:57 pm

Wrestler: Fists of Wind
Name: Fists of Wind
Wrestlers Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio
Favourite sayings:
Gimmick: A speedy guy, who can takes hits, nothing will stop Fists of Wind from being the best he can be. This means he has no times for friends, or family, and is on a mission, to win the ARW World Championship.
Face or Heel: Heel

Entrance Picture and or Video:
Post the picture and/or video you want to use for your wrestler's entrance.

The picture must be at least 200x200 pixels

You cannot use any WWE material for either the video, or the image.
Picture: Must be at least 200x200 pixels.

Yourself: (Optional)
Anything you want to tell us about yourself.

Sample RP: (Optional)
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